Every year, UN Climate Week in New York City offers a pivotal opportunity for global leaders, innovators, and activists to converge and tackle the most…
RRI is organizing or participating in the following high-level events during the World Bank Land Conference to be held in Washington, D.C. the week of…
In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), over 134 million Afro-descendant Peoples comprise 21% of the region’s population. These communities have forged their own territorial…
Du 8 au 12 mai 2023, les femmes leaders des communautés autochtones et locales se joindront aux donateurs et philanthropes internationaux, ainsi qu’aux ministres et…
MegaFlorestais 2017 a eu lieu à Vancouver et à Quadra Island, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada, du 15 au 20 octobre 2017, en collaboration avec le…
The panel will focus on the role and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the global struggle to combat climate change. Special attention…
Colombia se encuentra en medio de un momento histórico trascendental. El país está en transición hacia la contrucción de paz para superar uno de los…
La tenure forestière, la restauration et la croissance verte Co-organisé par RRI et l’IUCN, en partenariat avec l’Ambassade de France à Washington, DC Pour vous…
The Dialogue featured key stakeholders from diverse perspectives assessing the opportunities and challenges with respect to access, use and ownership of land and resources in…
Le dialogue a fait le bilan sur deux évolutions importantes dans les efforts mondiaux visant à réduire les émissions forestières : L’accord conclu sur la…
Le but de cette rencontre est de susciter des échanges dynamiques entre les concepteurs des politiques et les spécialistes du développement d'Afrique Centrale et de…
Le Douzième Dialogue de RRI sur les Forêts » la Gouvernance et le Changement Climatique (organisé en collaboration avec The Nature Conservancy) a permis d'identifier les…
Organizers: Rights and Resources Initiative and Oxfam in collaboration with IS Academy on Land Governance (LANDac), Netherlands, and EcoAgriculture Partners RRI and Oxfam are…
The RRI Dialogues on Forests, Governance and Climate Change are designed to foster critical reflection and learning on forest governance, the rights of forest communities…
Final Recommendations: Effectively Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change in Africa while ensuring Equity, Livelihoods, Rights, and Sustainable Development in Forest Areas …
Final Dialogue Summary Report now available Esta página está disponible en Español. Co-organizers Rights and Resources Initiative Comisión…
Background and Objectives The climate change debate has refocused the world’s attention on forest landscapes. Asia occupies a unique position in this debate…
Voir ce page en francais | Ver esta pagina en espagnol The Dialogues on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, organized by the Rights and…
RRI is pleased to announce the fourth Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change to be held in London on April 6, 2010….
This will be the third dialogue in the series of meetings aiming to promote learning and frank discussion on the key issues facing forests…
The second Chatham House-RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change was held on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd…
Chatham House and the Rights and Resources Initiative jointly organized a dialogue on the social intersection of climate change and forests at The Royal Society, London on…