Date 11 Jun 2024 to 14 Jun 2024

In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), over 134 million Afro-descendant Peoples comprise 21% of the region’s population. These communities have forged their own territorial…

Date 15 May 2024

Location: Washington

Country: United States

Read a summary of this event. On May 15, the Swedish Embassy in the U.S. hosted a multi-sectoral dialogue with RRI, Landesa, Cadasta, Forest Trends,…

Date 13 May 2024 to 17 May 2024

RRI is organizing or participating in the following high-level events during the World Bank Land Conference to be held in Washington, D.C. the week of…

Date 30 Nov 2023 to 12 Dec 2023

RRI organise ou participe aux événements parallèles suivants lors de la 28e Conférence des Nations unies sur le changement climatique (CdP28) du 30 novembre au…

Date 25 Oct 2023 to 27 Oct 2023

Location: Windhoek

Country: Namibia

Africa is home to one-quarter of the planet’s biodiversity and has a network of protected areas covering 17% of its land mass—including national parks, game…

Date 15 Sep 2023 to 21 Sep 2023

RRI organized and supported the following high-level events on the sidelines of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, which was held September 17-24,…

Date 12 Sep 2023 to 14 Sep 2023

African governments and regional institutions are increasingly recognizing the importance of acknowledging and securing the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as a…

Date 23 Aug 2023

For water governance to be truly inclusive and sustainable, it must account for community-based and customary water tenure rights. This session highlights evidence-based governance mechanisms…

Date 22 Aug 2023 to 26 Aug 2023

Two members of the Women in Global South Alliance for tenure and climate (WiGSA) will attend the 7th GEF Assembly in Vancouver, Canada to advocate for a…

Date 11 Aug 2023

On August 11, 2023, Indigenous and local community youth groups from across Asia and their allies will be celebrating International Youth Day by convening a…

Date 30 May 2023

Location: New York

The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the Black Communities Process of Colombia (PCN) and the Observatory of Ethnic and Peasant Territories of the Javeriana University of…

Date 8 May 2023

Location: Brazzaville, République du Congo

Du 8 au 12 mai 2023, les femmes leaders des communautés autochtones et locales se joindront aux donateurs et philanthropes internationaux, ainsi qu’aux ministres et…

Date 23 Feb 2023

On February 23, Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the Process of Black Communities (PCN) of Colombia, the Coordenação Nacional de Articulação das Comunidades Negras Rurais…

Date 17 Jan 2023

Le 17 janvier, L’Initiative des droits et ressources lancera son nouveau plan stratégique quinquennal (2023-2027) et présentera les principales conclusions du processus de réflexion Ciel…

Date 6 Dec 2022

Ce dialogue permettra aux peuples autochtones, aux peuples afro-descendants et aux communautés locales du Nord et du Sud de partager leurs expériences, leurs défis et…

Date 5 Dec 2022

The Rights and Resources Initiative and the Tenure Facility, in collaboration with the Forest Tenure Funders Group, will host a hybrid meeting to discuss the…

Date 26 Oct 2022

The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the Black Communities Process (PCN), and the Observatory of Ethnic and Peasant Territories (OTEC of the Javeriana University in…

Date 14 Oct 2022

In this Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Live, we’ll hear from Alain Frechette of the Rights and Resources Initiative—which, along with the Indigenous Peoples Major Group…

Date 29 Sep 2022

RRI et le Groupe de travail des donateurs vous invitent à une discussion virtuelle entre les peuples autochtones (PA), les communautés locales (CL) et les donateurs…

Date 7 Feb 2022

The launch of a new report that brings together data and stories from communities on the ground to re-position global human rights and conservation discourses…

Date 12 Oct 2021 to 14 Oct 2021

Location: Lomé

Du 12 au 14 octobre, 36 ministres, hauts fonctionnaires et représentants de la société civile de 12 pays africains se sont réunis à Lomé, au…

Date 5 Oct 2021

Apprentissage et consultation entre pairs parmi les réseaux de femmes autochtones, afro-descendantes et des communautés locales en Asie, en Afrique et en Amérique latine.

Date 16 Sep 2021

Le 16 septembre 2021, RRI et le Bureau britannique du développement, des affaires étrangères et du Commonwealth (FCDO)  ont organisé une discussion sur les nouvelles…