Welcome to RRI’s CSW69 agenda! The 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) aims to promote women’s rights by documenting…
Welcome to RRI’s COP16 agenda! Every two years, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) offers a chance for people, institutions,…
In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), over 134 million Afro-descendant Peoples comprise 21% of the region’s population. These communities have forged their own territorial…
For water governance to be truly inclusive and sustainable, it must account for community-based and customary water tenure rights. This session highlights evidence-based governance mechanisms…
The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the Black Communities Process of Colombia (PCN) and the Observatory of Ethnic and Peasant Territories of the Javeriana University of…
The RRI Regional Workshop on Gender Justice: A Vision for the Future in Latin America, was held on 31 August 2017 in Bogotá, Colombia, and aimed to map different themes, strategies, and actors/alliances concerning a gender-based approach to collective tenure rights over land, territory and resources based on the current, social, political and economic realities in the region.
The panel will focus on the role and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the global struggle to combat climate change. Special attention…
This event, held at the 22nd Conference of the Parties in Marrakech, Morocco, will focus on the progress and challenges of REDD+ in Amazon indigenous…
This panel event, which will be held at the 22nd Conference of the Parties in Marrakech, Morocco, will examine the impacts of REDD+ on indigenous…
The Regional Meeting: Land, Territory and the Rights of Women of African Descent, is the fifth workshop on gender and territorial rights in Latin America promoted…
Colombia se encuentra en medio de un momento histórico trascendental. El país está en transición hacia la contrucción de paz para superar uno de los…
Experience and Lessons from the Tenure Facility Leaders in Indonesia, Panama, and Peru:
El día 19 de noviembre, se llevará a cabo la “Audiencia Pública: ¿Reglamentar o no? Consulta Previa y Participación” en el Salón de la Constitución…
Plurality in Public Policy: Incorporating the perspective of Indigenous, Afro-Descendant and Peasant Women The Coalition Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), in alliance with the Departmental Federation of…
Co-organized by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativo (ILSA), and the Asociacion Ambiente y Sociedad…
The IUCN World Parks Congress is a landmark global forum on protected areas held every ten years. As the world’s most influential gathering of people…
The session will begin with a short video highlighting the connection between Indigenous Peoples, local communities and climate change, and a summary of the recent…
Impactos de la Ley 30230 sobre la propiedad privada y el ordenamiento territorial Este 15 de Octubre, cuatro redes de instituciones – el Colectivo Territorios…
The Dialogue featured key stakeholders from diverse perspectives assessing the opportunities and challenges with respect to access, use and ownership of land and resources in…
OSLO – Q&A discussion on the groundbreaking new report, Securing Rights, Combating Climate Change: How Strengthening Community Forest Rights Mitigates Climate Change. The paper — a joint venture between…
The National Organization of Indigenous Andean and Amazonian Women (ONAMIAP), Interethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP) and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) will…
Chatham House and the Rights and Resources Initiative held an expert workshop on ‘Small-scale and community forest producers: challenges and opportunities of legality verification’. This…
During 24 – 27 of November » Nitlapan and RRI » will be holding an exchange for « Socialization of experiences and lessons learned on integrated management of…
The Asociación Ambiente Sociedad » the Instituto del Bien Común » and RRI » will hold the workshop » Socialization of the Studies and Maps of the Investment Projects…