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In Bolivia, RRI collaborators

successfully advocated to halt the government’s plans for opening a highway through the TIPNIS.

In Guatemala, RRI supported local communities

and their allied NGOs in establishing a mechanism for civil society monitoring of the implementation of the communal lands registry and cadastre process. The Guatemalan…

In India, the government

issued new Forest Rights Act Amendment Rules 2012 that strengthen collective rights and restrict bureaucratic powers over forest dwelling communities. This issuance was a direct…

In Indonesia, the Government

accepted a new Roadmap developed by RRI-supported Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and established a multi-sectoral Working Group on Forest Tenure, inclusive of ministries, to craft…

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),

RRI co-sponsored the historic National Conference for Land Reform in the DRC in Kinshasa and launched a Tenure Baseline Study Launch Workshop. The Congolese Government…

In a groundbreaking development in Cameroon,

, RRI collaborators’ efforts resulted in the government’s declassification of around 30,000 ha. of forestland from forest concessions. The land was placed under community/customary management.

Pit-sawing was legally recognized

and a progressive Land Policy was developed with civil society and community input. Additionally, the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) responded to RRI’s…

RRI published unprecedented strategic analyses

on the global progress of tenure reform, including the report, What Rights? A Comparative Analysis of Developing Countries’ National Legislation on Community and Indigenous Peoples’…

RRI’s Global Dialogue on Scaling-Up Strategies

to Reduce Emissions and Advance Development in Forest Areas in Washington DC triggered new conversations and connections among forest community rights advocates, conservation organizations, and…

RRI’s efforts propelled substantial strengthening of government

commitment for tenure reform in five target countries—Laos, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, India and Colombia—and significant, national-level progress in four others—Liberia, Peru, China, and…

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