Le guide de la coalition

Le guide de la coalition

Over 200+ organizations, one coalition. What brings us together is a shared mission: to protect and strengthen the rights and struggles of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant Peoples, and local communities to own, develop, and protect their traditional territories and ecosystems. By remaining flexible and responsive, our coalition is laying the foundation for a future where every individual has a say in the management of their lands and resources, leading to concrete policy reforms and lasting impact on the planet.

Un réseau de réseaux

We represent a united front of organizations of all sizes—local, national, regional, and international—who come together to leverage the power of coalition to collaborate on a wide range of issues and expertise. From research to advocacy to field mobilization to capacity building, we amplify individual voices for the benefit of land and resource rights. We take proactive steps to collaborate with governments, multilateral institutions, and private sector actors to advance our shared mission.

Working on climate, biodiversity, land tenure, youth and women’s empowerment, our coalition’s goal is to promote conservation led by Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant Peoples and local communities.

Un réseau de réseaux
  • Membre de la Coalition
  • Projet
  • Membre associé


The RRI Coalition is formed by a group of 21 core partners working in their thematic and regional areas of expertise. Current RRI partners include:


RRI also collaborates with a large group of over 200+ collaborators who implement and support RRI activities worldwide. Below is a growing list of RRI collaborators.

Blog: La terre écrit