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RRI Asia Planning Meeting

Date 12 Jun 2008 to 14 Jun 2008

Location Vientiane

Country Lao PDR

RRI Partners and collaborators in the Asian region conducted a planning meeting in Vientiane » Lao on June 12-14″ 2008.  The purpose of the meeting was…

Meeting on the Operational Modalities of the ITTC

Date 9 Jun 2008 to 12 Jun 2008

Location Accra

Country Ghana

A Meeting on Operational Modalities of the ITTC provided opportunity for discussion of the entry into force of a new ITTO governing treaty » the International…

International Conference on Tenure and Regulatory Reform in China

Date 28 Feb 2008 to 29 Feb 2008

Location Beijing

Country China

China is presently undergoing a wave of reforms to the collective forestry sector that will have widespread impacts and historical significance.  Since the advent of…

LLSL Central and West Africa Workshop

Date 6 Dec 2007 to 8 Dec 2007

Location Douala

Country Cameroon

The Central and West Africa Workshop on the Listening » Learning and Sharing Launch of the Rights and Resources Initiative was held in Douala » Cameroon from…

Conference Towards a New Global Forest Agenda

Date 29 Oct 2007 to 29 Oct 2007

Location Stockholm

Country Sweden

On Monday October 29th » 2007 Sida and RRI hosted a conference to discuss the role of rights and governance in advancing the social and economic…

MegaFlorestais 2007

Date 16 Oct 2007 to 18 Oct 2007

Location St. Petersburg

Country Russia

MegaFlorestais is an informal group of public forest agency leaders dedicated to advancing international dialogue and exchange on transitions in forest governance » forest industry » and…

International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Forests

Date 3 Sep 2007 to 7 Sep 2007

Location Bangkok

Country Thailand

A great deal of discussion in recent years has focused on the role of conservation » and morespecifically » sustainable forest management » in contributing to poverty reduction….

Conference on Community Forest Enterprise

Date 15 Jul 2007 to 20 Jul 2007

Location Rio Branco" Acre State

Country Brazil

For one week in July 2007″ the Brazilian city of Rio Branco » in the heart of the Amazon » became the community forestry capital of the…

Third Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change

                                    This will be the third dialogue in the series of meetings aiming to promote learning and frank discussion on the key issues facing forests…

Ninth Dialogue on Forests, Governance & Climate Change

The RRI Dialogues on Forests, Governance and Climate Change are designed to foster critical reflection and learning on forest governance, the rights of forest communities…