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Course on Payment for Environmental Services and REDD for Community Leaders

Date 24 May 2010 to 27 May 2010

Location Puerto Maldonado

Country Perú

Forest Trends partners with USAID's  Support Unit for theConservation of the Andean Amazon Initiative (ICAA) » the AmazonianEnvironmental Research Institute (IPAM) » the Association for the Conservationof the Amazon…

RRI Board Meeting

Date 14 May 2010 to 14 May 2010

Location Washington" DC

Country United States

2nd Annual Conference on Community Rights and Forests

Date 27 Apr 2010 to 30 Apr 2010

Location Monrovia

Country Liberia

This conference will bring together Community Forestry Development Committees (CFDCs) from across Liberia to reflect on developments in the forestry sector » catalogue their concerns and…

Third Annual Meeting of the Africa Community Rights Network (ACRN)

Date 27 Apr 2010 to 30 Apr 2010

Location Monrovia

Country Liberia

The 2010 meeting of the Africa Community Rights Network (ACRN) will take stock of what has been achieved institutionally » nationally and regionally » and strategise to…

Global Issues in Governance of Natural Resources

Date 12 Apr 2010 to 16 Apr 2010

Location Milford" Pennsylvania

Country U.S.

The purpose of this training is to help develop the next generation of leaders of public forest agencies » and to prepare professionals to deal with…

Global Alliance of Community Forestry (GACF) Regional Workshop

Date 25 Mar 2010 to 29 Mar 2010

Location Bangkok

Country Thailand

Regional Workshop on Strengthening CF Networks and Federations in Asia This workshop is designed to meet existing demands to strengthen community forestry-based networks and federations »…

Forest Restructuring: Present Status and Future Strategy

Date 9 Feb 2010 to 9 Feb 2010

Location Kathmandu

Country Nepal

FECOFUN and RRI Collaborator ForestAction Nepal will jointly present an interaction program in Kathmandu. The main objective of this conference is to analyze the present…

Local Conventions of Natural Resource Management

Date 13 Oct 2009 to 14 Oct 2009

Location Sikasso

Country Mali

This workshop is a capstone activity organized by Intercooperation » following up on a study of local conventions carried out at four different sites in Southern…

MegaFlorestais 2009

Date 5 Oct 2009 to 9 Oct 2009

Location Whistler

Country British Columbia" Canada

MEGAflorestais 2009 was co-hosted by the British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range and the Canadian Forest Service » Natural Resources Canada. This year's meeting » the forth…

Forests and Climate Change – Do Local People Hold the Key?

Date 1 Oct 2009 to 1 Oct 2009

Location Bangkok

Country Thailand

Approaching the UNFCCC summit in Copenhagen » the reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) mechanism is being examined from every angle. The community voice…

Community Forestry International Workshop Pokhara

Date 15 Sep 2009 to 18 Sep 2009

Location Pokhara

Country Nepal

The Community Forestry International Workshop was an opportunity to meet new colleagues and to learn from the experiences of others engaged at local » national and…

First Regional Forum for People and Forests

Date 18 Aug 2009 to 20 Aug 2009

Location Hanoi

Country Vietnam

This conference brought together key people to analyze the risks » opportunities » and constraints that carbon financing presents for Asia-Pacific’s forest-dependent people. The Forum concluded that…

Working Lunch at the Second UN-REDD Programme Policy Board Meeting

Date 15 Jun 2009 to 15 Jun 2009

Location Montreux

Country Switzerland

The UN-REDD Programme held its second policy board meeting on 14 and 15 June 2009 in Montreux » Switzerland. The board expressed great interest in issues…

Towards a rights-based agenda in international forestry?

Date 30 May 2009 to 31 May 2009

Location Berkeley

Country United States

An international workshop on rights-based approaches in international forestry » hosted by the University of East Anglia and the University of California at Berkeley. This workshop…

International Conference on Forest Governance » Tenure and Enterprise

Date 25 May 2009 to 29 May 2009

Location Yaoundé

Country Cameroon

Please see links at bottom of page for conference outputs This five-day international conference was jointly organized by International Tropical Timber Organization » Rights and Resources Initiative » IUCN…