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Évènements à venir
Événements passés
The Regional Meeting: Land, Territory and the Rights of Women of African Descent, is the fifth workshop on gender and territorial rights in Latin America promoted…
Organized by: The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Indian School of Business (Hyderabad), and the Tata Institute of…
This panel event, which will be held at the 22nd Conference of the Parties in Marrakech, Morocco, will examine the impacts of REDD+ on indigenous…
This event, held at the 22nd Conference of the Parties in Marrakech, Morocco, will focus on the progress and challenges of REDD+ in Amazon indigenous…
The panel will focus on the role and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the global struggle to combat climate change. Special attention…
This panel event brings together experts, Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' representatives, government officials, and representatives from private companies and their investors to discuss the future of community land rights.
RRI et l’Initiative sur les Politiques Foncières de l’Union Africaine (LPI) ont coorganisé un atelier de 3 jours à Accra, au Ghana en juillet 2017,…
MegaFlorestais 2017 a eu lieu à Vancouver et à Quadra Island, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada, du 15 au 20 octobre 2017, en collaboration avec le…
Emplacement Bangkok
Pays Thailand
The Asia Regional Gender and Tenure Workshop was a two-day workshop held from 23-24 August 2017 at the headquarters of RRI Partner and co-host RECOFTC, in Bangkok, Thailand, which brought together outspoken advocates of gender and tenure in Asia to engage in brainstorming and strategic mapping, to connect existing regional initiatives and issues to global trends in gender and forest tenure, and collectively define key issues facing the region.
Emplacement Accra
Pays Ghana
The RRI Technical Expert Workshop on Gender Justice, Indigenous and Rural Women’s Collective Land and Resource Rights in Africa was held in Accra, Ghana, from 20-21 July 2017, and was comprised of a diverse group of experts as well as RRI Partners and Collaborators who gathered to share their perspectives on the state of gender and tenure issues in the region.
Emplacement Bogotá
Pays Colombia
The RRI Regional Workshop on Gender Justice: A Vision for the Future in Latin America, was held on 31 August 2017 in Bogotá, Colombia, and aimed to map different themes, strategies, and actors/alliances concerning a gender-based approach to collective tenure rights over land, territory and resources based on the current, social, political and economic realities in the region.
Emplacement Washington
Pays United States
As multiple crises engulf humanity and the rest of life, we are groping for ways out. How can we tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, the abysmal chasm between rich and poor, the continued deprivation of a billion people from dignified life, and geopolitical conflicts that threaten to annihilate life on earth? This talk draws from indigenous worldviews like buen vivir, the emergence of more recent alternatives like eco-feminism and degrowth, new interpretations of leftist/Marxist revolution to Gandhian concepts like swaraj, and more to present on alternative practices and visions emerging from the South Asian context and linking movements elsewhere.
MegaFlorestais 2018 aura lieu à Storforsen, Vidsel en Suède, du 26 au 29 juin 2018 en collaboration avec l’Agence forestière suédoise. La conférence sera la…
Emplacement Washington, DC
On May 22-24, 2018, RRI is hosting a Strategy Meeting on Gender Justice in Community Land and Forests in Washington, DC, to develop a 5-year Gender Justice Strategy for the coalition, and to explore the establishment of a Global Partnership/Initiative to advance indigenous and rural women’s rights to community lands. The meeting’s objectives align with one of RRI’s strategic objectives in the third Strategic Plan (SPIII) for 2018-2022, to “scale up global efforts to secure rural women’s property rights, voice, and leadership within community land and forests.” The meeting will bring together participants from 15 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America who are actively engaged in advocacy around women’s tenure rights to land and forests, including representatives from indigenous networks, women’s networks, non-governmental organizations, and research institutions.
Emplacement Ottawa
Pays Canada
Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ lands cover more than half of the world’s global land mass, and women make up more than half of the…