Scaling Up Strategies to Secure Community Land and Resource Rights




Nom de la localisation:
The World Bank

Washington" DC


On March 26" Jenny Springer" Director" Global Programs at RRI chaired a session on Scaling Up Strategies for Securing Community Land and Resource Rights at the World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. The session was co-organized by the RRI" the International Land Coalition and Oxfam" and featured presentations by:

•    Abdon Nababan - Executive Secretary" AMAN (Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago" Indonesia)

•    Rachael Knight - Program Director" Community Land Protection" Namati

•    Arun Agarwal -  Coordinator" International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) & Professor at the School of Natural Resources & Environment at the University of Michigan

The session provided an opportunity to discuss outcomes of the September 2013 Interlaken conference on scaling up strategies for community land rights and ongoing efforts to carry them forward. Presentations focused in particular on strategies for scaling up community land mapping and legal empowerment and for documenting the contributions of community rights to forest and livelihoods outcomes. Participants highlighted the need for increased attention and resources from governments and donor institutions to overcome the widespread lack of clarity and recognition of community land and resource rights around the world. 


Presentation 1: Documenting Community Rights in Forests and their Effectiveness

Arun Agarwal" IFRI

Presentation 2: Up-scaling Recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Territorial Rights in Indonesia through Community Mapping

Abdon Nababan" AMAN

Presentation 3: Up-scaling the Recognition of community land Rights through Legal Empowerment: Lessons from the ground

Rachael Knight" Namati

For more details on the event" please contact Madiha Qureshi.