International Workshop on Gender and Forest Tenure in Asia and Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China




Nom de la localisation:
Guolin Hotel



The International Workshop on Gender and Forest Tenure in Asia and Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China was hosted by the State Forestry Administration's Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF)" in collaboration with RRI and Landesa-RDI" and included high-level participation from provincial and national government agencies in China" leading experts on gender and forest tenure from the Asia region" and representatives from Chinese civil society organizations.

The objectives of this event were: 

    1. Launch an RRI report on the challenges of securing women's tenure in Asia's community forests
    2. Discuss the role of women in managing and protecting forests" the extent to which women benefit from Asia's land and forest tenure reforms" and strategies to ensure poor women's participation in forest governance and institutions such as REDD+
    3. Brainstorm future trends and directions of collective forest tenure reform in China" with a focus on laws" regulations and policies

The dialogue on women and forest tenure informed the ensuing discussion on China's forest tenure reforms" and emphasized that clear strategies for women's participation in forest management are essential for reducing deforestation" improving community livelihoods" and increasing overall returns from the forest sector.

Learn more about
The Challenges of Securing Women's Tenure and Leadership for Forest Management: The Asian Experience" a new suite of analyses launched at the Workshop" or read the press coverage

Workshop Resources:

  • Agenda
  • List of Participants
  • Note from Chinese Academy of Forestry 



  • Securing Women's Tenure and Leadership for Forest Management: A Summary of the Asian Experience: New research launched at this event shows that despite more understanding" more resources" and policy recommendations" women continue to be largely marginalized and ignored or exploited in community based resource management processes throughout Asia. This research provides the most comprehensive continent wide analysis on the status of forest tenure rights and gender rights.


  • Abidah Setyowati: Re-envisioning REDD : Gender" Forest Governance and REDD  in Asia
  • Avi Mahaningtyas: Gender Justice in Forest Tenure and Forest Governance in Indonesia
  • Wang Xiaobei: Collective Forestland Tenure Reform in China: Potential Impacts on Rural Women

For more information please contact Naomi Basik at nbasik(at)