International Colloquium of Quilombolas » Palenqueros » Cimarrones » Cumbes » Saramaka » Boni » Djuka and Garifuna

11/20/2013 - 11/23/2013



São Luís


Through the 20th -23rd of November" 2013" the Center of Black Culture of Maranhão" supported by RRI and other organizations" will be holding an International Colloquium of Quilombolas" Palenqueros" Cimarrones" Cumbes" Saramaka" Boni" Djuka and Garifuna" in the city of São Luís" Brazil . The objective is to strengthen relations between Afro-descendent organizations within different regions and countries of Central and South America and the Caribbean" fighting for recognition of their land rights. In the Colloquium three central themes will be discussed: territorial rights" legislation and guidelines; organizational strategies and conflict and political perspectives of the Quilombola movement; and the construction of joint international strategies. The conference hopes to convene organizations and strengthen their agendas of defending their rights while building a network of representatives of the movement at the regional level who are involved in different spaces of discussion on policies that affect the collective rights of Afro-descendant communities in the region.

Contact Karina Navas