Conference Towards a New Global Forest Agenda
Date: 10/29/2007
Emplacement: Sweden
Ville: Stockholm
Pays: Sweden
On Monday October 29th" 2007 Sida and RRI hosted a conference to discuss the role of rights and governance in advancing the social and economic development of forest areas in developing countries.
Partners in the Rights and Resources coalition presented new analyses on the role of rights and tenure in addressing some of the major development challenges facing the world today: cliamte change" violent conflict" ecosystem conservation" poverty alleviation and sustainable economic growth. The conference was designed as a participatory review of these new analyses and their recommendations.
Seeing People Through the Trees: Recognizing Rights" Advancing Development and Addressing Global Challenges
Rights and Resources
Coming soon
Beyond Tenure: Rights-based Approaches to Peoples and Forests
Marcus Colchester
Forest Peoples Programme | Rights and Resources
Poverty" Rights and Tenure on Forest Lands: The Problem and Priority Actions for Achieving Solutions
William D. Sunderlin
Rights and Resources
Climate Change and Governance in the Forest Sector
Carmenza Robledo" Jürgen Blaser" Sarah Byrne and Kaspar Schmidt
Intercooperation | Rights and Resources
Forest Related Conflict: Impacts" Links and Measures to Mitigate
Ruben de Koning" Doris Capistrano and Yurdi Yasmi" with Paolo Cerutti
CIFOR | Rights and Resources
Rights" Tenure" Governance and a More Pro-poor Vision for Conservation: What should we be aiming at?
Gill Shepherd" Bob Fisher" Stewart Maginnis and Jeffrey Sayer
IUCN World Conservation Union | Rights and Resources
Convergence of the Fuel" Food and Fiber Markets - A Forest Sector Perspective
Don G. Roberts
CIBC Markets | Rights and Resources
The Boomerang - When will the global forest sector reallocate from the South to the North?
Sten Nilsson
IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis | Rights and Resources
Coming soon
Transitions in Forest Tenure and Governance: Drivers" projected patterns and implications
Rights and Resources