Community Rights Mapping: Edea
Date: 02/18/2009
Emplacement: Cameroon
Ville: Edea
Pays: Cameroon
This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon. The NGO Cameroon Ecology" in partnership with other organizations of the RRI network in Cameroon: ICRAF" CIFOR" Tri-national Agroforestry Collective (CAFT) and Center for Environment and Development (CED).
- Present the current status of two forest areas to enable local decisionmakers to assist the Government in making positive decisions with regards to land and forest tenure in these zones.
- Start a dialogue between the different parties involved in providing recommendations for a petition to the Government that advocates for community ownership of land and forests.
- Produce maps of the forest area that reflect the current status of forest areas UFA 07002 and 09026 in order to highlight the inconsistencies and insufficiencies of the Government's zoning system" which is overly technical and does not reflect the sociocultural and political realities of the land under concession.
Click here for a concept note on this workshop" with agenda and participants (French only).
Click here for information on the parallel Kribi workshop.
Le Messager (25 February 2009) - Cameroun Ecologie au secours des lésés de la forêt (French only)Photography Credit: Solange Bandiaky" RRI