Report Launch: Afro-descendant Peoples’ Territories in Biodiversity Hotspots across Latin America and the Caribbean
Date: 02/23/2023
Nom de la localisation: Online
Début et de fin: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EST
On February 23, Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the Process of Black Communities (PCN) of Colombia, the Coordenação Nacional de Articulação das Comunidades Negras Rurais Quilombolas (CONAQ) of Brazil, and the Pontifical Universidad Javeriana’s Observatory of Ethnic and Campesino Territories (OTEC) of Colombia will launch a new study titled, Afro-descendant Peoples’ Territories in Biodiversity Hotspots across Latin America and the Caribbean: Barriers to Inclusion in Conservation Policies.
This new study assesses the opportunities and challenges for the integration of Afro-descendant Peoples’ tenure rights within the conservation policies of 16 countries in the region.