Global Impact
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RRI established a collaboration

to advance community land rights reform with Oxfam, International Land Coalition, IUCN, and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, and convened a major global summit on recognition of…

RRI’s efforts propelled substantial strengthening of government

commitment for tenure reform in five target countries—Laos, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, India and Colombia—and significant, national-level progress in four others—Liberia, Peru, China, and…

RRI held two global RRI Dialogues on Forests,

Governance and Climate Change in London and The Hague which contributed to RRI’s analysis to REDD narrative and introduced RRI in discussions on food security….

Compiled a new dataset

on depth of statutory tenure rights in 15 countries and made extensive forest tenure data for 40 countries available online.

Hosted the International Conference on Rights,

Forests and Climate Change in Oslo; which catalyzed new, forward looking thinking on “last great global land grab”; “who owns the carbon”; “regulatory takings and…

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