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RRI’s Global Dialogue on Scaling-Up Strategies

to Reduce Emissions and Advance Development in Forest Areas in Washington DC triggered new conversations and connections among forest community rights advocates, conservation organizations, and…

RRI’s efforts propelled substantial strengthening of government

commitment for tenure reform in five target countries—Laos, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, India and Colombia—and significant, national-level progress in four others—Liberia, Peru, China, and…

RRI conducted an unprecedented legal

analysis of 61 Community Forest Tenure Regimes in 30 countries for its 2012 report on the state of forest tenure 1992-2012, in preparation for the…

RRI held two global RRI Dialogues on Forests,

Governance and Climate Change in London and The Hague which contributed to RRI’s analysis to REDD narrative and introduced RRI in discussions on food security….

Compiled a new dataset

on depth of statutory tenure rights in 15 countries and made extensive forest tenure data for 40 countries available online.

Laid the groundwork

for scaling-up critical thinking on ATEMS by producing 16 ATEMS briefs analyzing experiences and lessons from community forestry enterprises and LLSL learning.

Hosted two global Dialogues on Forests,

Governance and Climate Change in London and Washington DC which contributed to resituating the REDD debate.

2 new global analyses

of the state of forest tenure: From Exclusion to Ownership? and Seeing People Through the Trees

Conducted private advisory session

on forest rights with governments party to UNFCCC and members of the REDD Contact Group and recommended agreement text

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