RRI realizó estudios de caso de Alternative Tenure and Enterprise Models [Modelos alternativos de tenencia y de empresas] (ATEMs) en empresas forestales comunitarias de en…
RRI realizó estudios de caso de Alternative Tenure and Enterprise Models [Modelos alternativos de tenencia y de empresas] (ATEMs) en empresas forestales comunitarias de en…
land, and mining ministry officials from Central West Africa in a regional dialogue in March on the challenges of coherent land allocation for large-scale agroindustry,…
RRI co-sponsored the historic National Conference for Land Reform in the DRC in Kinshasa and launched a Tenure Baseline Study Launch Workshop. The Congolese Government…
, RRI collaborators’ efforts resulted in the government’s declassification of around 30,000 ha. of forestland from forest concessions. The land was placed under community/customary management.
and a progressive Land Policy was developed with civil society and community input. Additionally, the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) responded to RRI’s…
the Tenure Champions’ National Platform in Burkina Faso, a group of civil society organizations engaged in advocacy for land and forest tenure policies favorable to…
for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF) was admitted to Cameroon’s national platform on REDD and climate change and identified its focal points to five Cameroonian…
in Cameroon led to a concrete proposal on the revision of the 1994 forest law.
Governance and Climate Change held in Ethiopia fostered new links with the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), high-level…
in Ghana led a well-organized campaign and influenced the Presidential Commission assigned to amend the Constitution to strengthen natural resource tenure and governance policies.
the Liberian government’s commitment to implementation of the 2006 Forest Law, its regulations and a new Community Rights Law established a mandate for communities to…
in Africa’s Sahel region elevated the potential of local conventions to legally guide decentralized natural resource management and empower pastoralists, women, and other marginal populations.
Tenure and Enterprise in Yaoundé, Cameroon which catalyzed new, unprecedented commitments to strengthen rights in Central and West Africa among forest and land agencies, parliamentarian…
of the Communities Rights Law in Liberia with strong rights language
supporting pilots or implementation (Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mali, Liberia)
focused on national legal and policy reforms
(Cameroon, Liberia, Ghana, Mali, Burkina Faso)
on forest concessions and viable alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon, Ghana and Liberia