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RRI supported more than a dozen pilot communities

in six countries in Latin America to take their tenure and management claims to a higher level of dispute, with clear data, maps and assessment…

Supported the establishment

of the first alliance of forest community organizations from highlands and lowlands in Guatemala, increasing their visibility and voice in national policy issues related to…

Established a national level

Bolivian working group of key NGOs – linking highlands analysts to lowland analysts and practitioners – to help the key indigenous and peasant organizations analyze…

The government in Laos

agreed to a new proposal by RRI to study and learn from tenure reforms in other countries to promote tenure reforms supported by key government…

Effectively introduced concepts

of regulatory takings and need for grievance redress mechanisms to key policy makers in China.

A national-level confederation

of natural resource user groups in Nepal established a multi-party constituent assembly forum and used RRI analysis to advocate for constitutional guarantee to community rights…

RRI’s regional meetings and workshops

in Africa’s Sahel region elevated the potential of local conventions to legally guide decentralized natural resource management and empower pastoralists, women, and other marginal populations.

Held the International Conference on Forest Governance,

Tenure and Enterprise in Yaoundé, Cameroon which catalyzed new, unprecedented commitments to strengthen rights in Central and West Africa among forest and land agencies, parliamentarian…

Laid the groundwork

for scaling-up critical thinking on ATEMS by producing 16 ATEMS briefs analyzing experiences and lessons from community forestry enterprises and LLSL learning.

Hosted two global Dialogues on Forests,

Governance and Climate Change in London and Washington DC which contributed to resituating the REDD debate.

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