International Conference on Community Rights » Forests and Climate Change

08/17/2009 - 08/18/2009



New Delhi


This conference was organized to facilitate a dialogue among countries in the South on the issues of community rights and tenure in the broader context of forestry and climate change.

Organized by:

TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute" India) and RRI (Rights and Resources Initiative" USA)" with support from Defra (Department for Environment" Food and Rural Affairs" UK)

Final Report

  • International Conference on Community Rights" Forests and Climate Change: Final Report

More Resources


International Conference on Community Rights" Forests and Climate Change: Tentative Agenda

Rights and Resources" TERI" & Defra


Governance" Safeguards" and Accountability: How to Ensure Climate Investments are Effective

Arvind Khare" Rights and Resources

Community Forest Rights in the Context of Climate Change: A Global Perspective

Jeffrey Hatcher" Rights and Resources

An Overview of REDD" REDD plus and REDD readiness
Varghese Paul" TERI

Community Forest Resource and Community Forest Rights: Implementation and Institutional Challenges under Forest Rights Act" 2006
Sanjay Upadhyay" Enviro Legal Defence Firm

Financial Instruments for Emission Reductions from Forests: FCPF" World Bank

Global Policy Perspective on Forests" Environment & Well-Being
Maharaj Muthoo

Rights and "REDD"
Kyeretwie Opoku" Civic Response