Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change – No. 1



Chatham House and the Rights and Resources Initiative jointly organized a dialogue on the social intersection of climate change and forests at The Royal Society, London on July 8. This was the first in a series of meetings aiming to promote learning and frank discussion on the key issues facing forests and forest communities as the world scales up efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The meeting was organized around four topics:    
  • Forests and REDD in the UNFCCC climate negotiations
  • UN-REDD, FCPF, FIP: Creating precedents and standards?
  • Rights, rules and emission reductions: Clarifying what it really means to be “REDD-ready”  
  • Carbon financing mechanisms and forest governance
Further meetings are anticipated in September 2009 in Norway and in January 2010 in London.    
  • Complete Meeting Report (July 2009 Dialogue)
    For more information:  
  • Agenda
  • Chatham House Energy, Environment and Development Programme 
  • Contact Luke Bailey, Associate, Rights and Resources Initiative


  Getting Ready for REDD? Manish Bapna, World Resources Institute Rights, Rules and Emissions Reductions: Social, environmental and governance `readiness for REDD` International Climate and Forest Initiative, The Norewegian Government Safeguarding rights in the FCPF Marcus Colchester, Forest Peoples Programme; , The Forests Dialogue (TFD): Forest and Climate Change Initiative James Mayers, International Institute for Environment and Development UN-REDD, FCPF, FIP: Creating Precedents & Standards Mark E. Cackler, World Bank  

More resources

  Marcus Colchester on “Safeguarding Rights in the FCPF” By Chris Lang for The REDD-Monitor