Thirteenth Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change
Thirteenth Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change

This Africa-focused dialogue generated a dynamic discourse among policy makers and development experts in Central and West Africa on the social, economic, and environmental impacts…

Seminario el Papel de las Comunidades en la Gestión Forestal del Altiplano
Seminario el Papel de las Comunidades en la Gestión Forestal del Altiplano

Fecha:           18 de Junio del 2012   Lugar:            Hotel S&J Bella Luna kilómetro 196.5 carretera interamericana» Quetzaltenango.   Organizadores:       Facultad de Agronomía (USAC)» Helvetas e…

National Workshop on Land and Forest Reforms in Cameroon
National Workshop on Land and Forest Reforms in Cameroon

This workshop is being organized by RRI Partner» the Centre for Environment and Development (CED). Objective : Present a preliminary proposal from civil society for land…

Workshop on Community Rights in Cameroon
Workshop on Community Rights in Cameroon

This workshop is one part of a larger project to take stock of community rights and to build knowledge among decision-makers and communities of communities'…

Subregional Workshop on the Sangha Trinational
Subregional Workshop on the Sangha Trinational

Indigenous rights to access land and resources are largely disregarded or unknown by national and regional government actors working in the Congo Basin's trans boundary…

Sensitization Workshop on REDD and Climate Change
Sensitization Workshop on REDD and Climate Change

This workshop gathered actors from across the RRI coalition as well as from civil society and local government to improve the RRI coalition's and communities'…

International Conference on Forest Governance» Tenure and Enterprise
International Conference on Forest Governance» Tenure and Enterprise

Please see links at bottom of page for conference outputs This five-day international conference was jointly organized by International Tropical Timber Organization» Rights and Resources Initiative» IUCN…

International Workshop on Community Organizations and Networks
International Workshop on Community Organizations and Networks

This forum convened to provide representatives of community organizations and networks from forest zones in Cameroon the opportunity to share governance experiences with each other»…

Cameroon Regional Workshop: Mbalmayo
Cameroon Regional Workshop: Mbalmayo

Workshop on reform of forest tenure system in the ancient forest reserves of Cameroon The objective of this workshop» organized by the Center for Environment…

Community Rights Mapping: Kribi
Community Rights Mapping: Kribi

This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon….

Community Rights Mapping: Edea
Community Rights Mapping: Edea

This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon….

Women's Rights» Forests & Climate Change
Women's Rights» Forests & Climate Change

Worldwide attention is being paid to forests as a tool to mitigate climate change. The RRI-RFN conference Rights» Forests and Climate Change highlighted the role of forest…