International Women’s Day Rally
International Women’s Day Rally

In commemoration of International Women’s Day» 8 March» REFACOF (African Women's Network for Community Management of Forests)» the Foundation for Community Initiatives» and the Rights…

Gender Justice Scoping Meeting
Gender Justice Scoping Meeting

Gender justice is a cross cutting objective of the RRI coalition. Women in collective tenure regimes and customary systems still face particular challenges in advancing…

Cameroon Regional Workshop: Mbalmayo
Cameroon Regional Workshop: Mbalmayo

Workshop on reform of forest tenure system in the ancient forest reserves of Cameroon The objective of this workshop» organized by the Center for Environment…

Community Rights Mapping: Kribi
Community Rights Mapping: Kribi

This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon….

Community Rights Mapping: Edea
Community Rights Mapping: Edea

This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon….