Welcome to RRI’s CSW69 agenda! The 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) aims to promote women’s rights by documenting…
For water governance to be truly inclusive and sustainable, it must account for community-based and customary water tenure rights. This session highlights evidence-based governance mechanisms…
As multiple crises engulf humanity and the rest of life, we are groping for ways out. How can we tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, the abysmal chasm between rich and poor, the continued deprivation of a billion people from dignified life, and geopolitical conflicts that threaten to annihilate life on earth? This talk draws from indigenous worldviews like buen vivir, the emergence of more recent alternatives like eco-feminism and degrowth, new interpretations of leftist/Marxist revolution to Gandhian concepts like swaraj, and more to present on alternative practices and visions emerging from the South Asian context and linking movements elsewhere.
The Asia Regional Gender and Tenure Workshop was a two-day workshop held from 23-24 August 2017 at the headquarters of RRI Partner and co-host RECOFTC, in Bangkok, Thailand, which brought together outspoken advocates of gender and tenure in Asia to engage in brainstorming and strategic mapping, to connect existing regional initiatives and issues to global trends in gender and forest tenure, and collectively define key issues facing the region.
The panel will focus on the role and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the global struggle to combat climate change. Special attention…
Organized by: The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Indian School of Business (Hyderabad), and the Tata Institute of…
Globally, a strong consensus has emerged on the centrality of recognition of forest rights for local communities and Indigenous Peoples as a core strategy for…
On July 22, RRI, Council for Social Development (CSD), and Vasundhara will launch a new study ton the Potential of Community Forest Resource (CFR) Rights…
This event was webcast live at 12 – 7 pm, 3 September, 2015. A webcast recording can be seen here. India’s growing energy, industry, and…
Indigenous Peoples and community leaders from Indonesia and the Philippines developed a more cohesive cultural narrative for their challenges vis-à-vis persisting threats to their statutory…
The IUCN World Parks Congress is a landmark global forum on protected areas held every ten years. As the world’s most influential gathering of people…
OSLO – Q&A discussion on the groundbreaking new report, Securing Rights, Combating Climate Change: How Strengthening Community Forest Rights Mitigates Climate Change. The paper — a joint venture between…
Chatham House and the Rights and Resources Initiative held an expert workshop on ‘Small-scale and community forest producers: challenges and opportunities of legality verification’. This…
On March 26″ Jenny Springer» Director» Global Programs at RRI chaired a session on Scaling Up Strategies for Securing Community Land and Resource Rights at…
During 24 – 27 of November» Nitlapan and RRI» will be holding an exchange for «Socialization of experiences and lessons learned on integrated management of…
En la ciudad de São Luís» estado de Maranhão» Brasil» durante los días 20 al 23 de noviembre de 2013″ el Centro de Cultura Negra…
La Asociación Ambiente Sociedad» el Instituto del Bien Común» y RRI realizara el taller de Socialización de los Estudios y Mapeo de las Inversiones en…
Co-organizado por: la Iniciativa para los Derechos y Recursos (RRI por sus siglas en Inglés)» la Comisión Nacional Forestal de México» y MegaFlorestais Objetivos…
La Iniciativa para los Derechos y Recursos (RRI» por sus siglas en inglés) y el Programa para los Pueblos de los Bosques (FPP» por sus…
Hosted by the State Forest Administration» China Forest Tenure Project (supported by UN-FAO and EU)» Rights and Resources Initiative and the Peking University. Background It…
Contexto En los últimos años» en América Latina han adquirido renovada dinámica los procesos de integración» y entre ellos» en especial» UNASUR» hecho que no…
The International Workshop on Gender and Forest Tenure in Asia and Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China was hosted by the State Forestry Administration's Chinese Academy…
The Cameroon coalition presented its recommendations for reform regarding Tenure and Community Forest Enterprises within the broader reform process to the 1994 Forest Law» for…
The purpose of this training is to help develop the next generation of leaders of public forest agencies, and to prepare professionals to deal with…