This brief is directed towards public forest sector policy and decision makers and speaks to a critical area of forest governance: forest regulations and regulatory processes as instruments and vehicles for achieving sustainable forest management objectives.
Just over a decade ago, several forest agency leaders from around the world met in Beijing, China at a conference convened by the Rights and Resources…
The importance of protecting and expanding indigenous and community ownership of land has been a key element in the negotiations of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and is central to their successful implementation. This report launches a Global Call to Action on Indigenous and Community Land Rights, backed by more than 300 organizations all over the world.
Liberia holds some of the last remaining, intact forests in West Africa and so reducing deforestation quickly and efficiently would be important in global climate…
The annual review of the state of rights and resources, 2015-2016. Ten years ago, it was a struggle to make indigenous and community rights part…
A summary of findings on community ownership and control of lands in 13 countries in Latin America.