This brief presents a review of the nominal progress made in the national-level laws and regulations that govern the carbon trade and define the rights of parties—across a sample of 24 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These countries collectively hold more than 50 percent of global tropical and subtropical forests.

This report discusses the critical role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the context of emerging climate and development priorities, and the unprecedented opportunity to scale up the recognition and protection of community land and resource rights—both for the benefit of rural peoples and for the realization of global peace and prosperity.

Women’s Leadership, Agency, and Voice
Women’s Leadership, Agency, and Voice

This report synthesizes research findings on gender dynamics and the implications for gender justice in community-based tenure systems in Zambia and Bolivia.

From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity
From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that community land rights are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Toward a Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands
Toward a Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands

A new report quantifying the carbon stored aboveground in tropical forests that are legally owned or traditionally held by Indigenous Peoples and local communities in 37 countries across tropical America, Africa, and Asia.

Indigenous Peoples & Local Community Tenure in the INDCs
Indigenous Peoples & Local Community Tenure in the INDCs

A review of submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to determine the extent to which Parties made clear commitments to strengthen or expand the tenure and natural resource management rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as part of their climate change mitigation plans.

IAN: Managing Tenure Risk
IAN: Managing Tenure Risk

This report explains what tenure risk is and offers objective evidence that the problem is widespread and of increasing frequency, as well as provides highlights from a real-world analysis of over 360 case studies.

Who Owns the World’s Land?
Who Owns the World’s Land?

The first analysis to quantify the amount of land formally recognized by national governments as owned or controlled by Indigenous Peoples and local communities around the world.

Lots of Words, Little Action
Lots of Words, Little Action

While there were many encouraging pronouncements in 2013—from courts, governments, and some of the world’s largest corporations —unfortunately, progress for community land rights on the ground remains very limited.

RRI Memorandum of Understanding
RRI Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding is the formal declaration of partnership between Partner Organizations in the RRI coalition. The document outlines the details of collaboration on…

Re-Framing REDD+
Re-Framing REDD+

Report from the Amazon Environmental Research Institute over REDD+ policies featuring research results and recommendations.