Every year, UN Climate Week in New York City offers a pivotal opportunity for global leaders, innovators, and activists to converge and tackle the most…
MegaFlorestais 2017 was held in Vancouver and Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada on October 15-20, 2017, co-hosted by the Canadian Forest Service - Natural Resources Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
In the context of national development, the government of DRC recently launched a plan to establish agro-industrial parks throughout the country. Twenty-two agro-industrial parks will…
In 2016, CACO, the RRI-supported national civil society platform on tenure, conducted a study documenting the consideration of women’s rights in DRC’s laws and policies,…
Together with local Collaborators, the Rights and Resources Initiative is partnering with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF); the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Sustainable Development;…
The national CSOs think-tank/platform on tenure (CACO) and its coordination, which includes Natural Resources Network (RRN), the Council for the Environmental Defense through legality and…
MegaFlorestais 2014 was held on May 5-9, 2014, and co-hosted by the Cameroonian Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Rights and Resources…
The event was co-organized by the Rights & Resources Initiative” the National Forestry Commission of Mexico” & MegaFlorestais. Objectives of the seminar • Better…
La loi foncière du 20 juillet 1973 mérite d’être révisée pour mettre fin au « capharnaüm » qui règne autour des titres fonciers en République…
This event was organized by RRI” Forest Peoples Programme” and Tropenbos International. An agenda and participant names will be available shortly. For questions about the…
This national workshop organized by Réseau Ressources Naturelles focused on participatory rights mapping and macro- and micro-zoning processes. It was an opportunity to present Congolese…