Intercooperation realizó un análisis sobre la tenencia forestal y el nivel de conciencia de las comunidades locales sobre sus derechos legales sobre los terrenos forestales…

RRI convoca la 2nda Reunión Anual de Megaflorestais.

RRI coordinó la Reunión de MegaFlorestais del 2007 con dirigentes de los organismos forestales públicos dedicados al avance de un diálogo franco sobre las transiciones…

RRI y GAFC crean una nueva asociación.

Los socios de RRI se reunieron con representantes de la Alianza Global de Forestería Comunitaria (AGFC) en febrero en San José, Costa Rica y en…

RRI’s regional Dialogue on extractive industries,

communities, and territorial rights in Bogota, Colombia addressed the boom in the extractive industries in Latin America. The Dialogue brought together NGOs and community leaders…

RRI engaged forest

land, and mining ministry officials from Central West Africa in a regional dialogue in March on the challenges of coherent land allocation for large-scale agroindustry,…

In Nepal, key political parties

endorsed community forestry on record in their election manifestoes and platforms due in large part to RRI advocacy, culminating in successful Constituent Assembly election. RRI…

RRI released two new,

groundbreaking reports investigating the real financial consequences of investing land with disputed tenure rights. The reports, The Financial Risks of Insecure Land Tenure: An Investment…

RRI established a collaboration

to advance community land rights reform with Oxfam, International Land Coalition, IUCN, and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, and convened a major global summit on recognition of…

In Bolivia, RRI collaborators

successfully advocated to halt the government’s plans for opening a highway through the TIPNIS.

In Guatemala, RRI supported local communities

and their allied NGOs in establishing a mechanism for civil society monitoring of the implementation of the communal lands registry and cadastre process. The Guatemalan…

In India, the government

issued new Forest Rights Act Amendment Rules 2012 that strengthen collective rights and restrict bureaucratic powers over forest dwelling communities. This issuance was a direct…

In Indonesia, the Government

accepted a new Roadmap developed by RRI-supported Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and established a multi-sectoral Working Group on Forest Tenure, inclusive of ministries, to craft…

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),

RRI co-sponsored the historic National Conference for Land Reform in the DRC in Kinshasa and launched a Tenure Baseline Study Launch Workshop. The Congolese Government…

In a groundbreaking development in Cameroon,

, RRI collaborators’ efforts resulted in the government’s declassification of around 30,000 ha. of forestland from forest concessions. The land was placed under community/customary management.