El estado de los derechos y recursos en 2012-2013
El estado de los derechos y recursos en 2012-2013

La Iniciativa para los Derechos y Recursos (RRI» por sus siglas en inglés) y el Programa para los Pueblos de los Bosques (FPP» por sus…

International Conference on Forest Tenure Reform
International Conference on Forest Tenure Reform

Hosted by the State Forest Administration» China Forest Tenure Project (supported by UN-FAO and EU)» Rights and Resources Initiative and the Peking University. Background It…

2011 Global Issues in Governance
2011 Global Issues in Governance

The purpose of this training is to help develop the next generation of leaders of public forest agencies, and to prepare professionals to deal with…

Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms
Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms

     Background and Rationale Given that positive movements have been seen in some countries and recalcitrance in others» we are now well placed to review…

MegaFlorestais 2010
MegaFlorestais 2010

MEGAflorestais 2010 was co-hosted by the State Forest Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Fujian Forestry Department» in cooperation with RRI. 

Workshop on Community Rights in Cameroon
Workshop on Community Rights in Cameroon

This workshop is one part of a larger project to take stock of community rights and to build knowledge among decision-makers and communities of communities'…

Community Rights Mapping: Kribi
Community Rights Mapping: Kribi

This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon….

Community Rights Mapping: Edea
Community Rights Mapping: Edea

This workshop is part of a series of work on mapping community rights and documenting the impact of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Cameroon….

MegaFlorestais 2007
MegaFlorestais 2007

MegaFlorestais is an informal group of public forest agency leaders dedicated to advancing international dialogue and exchange on transitions in forest governance» forest industry» and…