Workshop on Rural Trees and Agroforest Management
Fecha: 10/04/2010 - 10/05/2010
Lugar: Mali
Nombre del Lugar: Hôtel Colombus
Ciudad: Bamako
País: Mali
Organized by Sahel Eco" this workshop is intended to contribute to the national discourse in Mali on recognizing farmers' and local communities' rights to sustainably benefit from agroforestry resources in a decentralized context. The workshop is part of a larger project on the implementation of the power transfer in forest resource management in the agricultural sector" and for drafting a strategy to inform relevant ministries as they create and implement regulatory laws for the transfer of power to decentralized groups.
Participants will share experiences and knowledge on the social" economic and environmental advantages and challenges of agroforestry; learn the state of play in the transfer of power and devolvement of natural resource management to local communities; identify local and national institutional opportunities and contstraints to the transfer of power; and draft strategic guidelines to initiate the transfer of power and devolvement of natural resource management in the agricultural sector.
The workshop will gather participants such as officials" NGOs" peasant organizations" and technical services. Participants will come from the regions of Mopti" Ségou" Koulikoro" Sikasso" and Bamako District.