Sensitization Workshop on REDD and Climate Change

07/20/2010 - 07/21/2010





This workshop gathered actors from across the RRI coalition as well as from civil society and local government to improve the RRI coalition's and communities' understanding of issues related to REDD and climate change" and to thus enable their lasting contributions to sustainable resource management and poverty reduction. 

  • Agenda: Workshop on REDD and Climate Change Sensitization
  • List of participants - Workshop on REDD and Climate Change Sensitization


Foret et changement climatique" REDD: Definition et quelques questions/concepts cles
Samuel Nnah Ndobe" Centre pour l'Environnement et le Developpement

IUCN Strategy and Vision on REDD: Cameroon" Ghana and Liberia
Cleto Ndikumagenge" IUCN; Annelie Fincke" IUCN

Le REDD au Cameroun: Contexte" actions et perspectives
Dr. Joseph Armathe Amougou" Focal point for the UNFCCC

Les impacts du commerce du carbone sur les droits et la tenure
Hortense Ngono

RRI Dialogues on Forests" Governance and Climate Change
Augusta Molnar" RRI

Esquisse d’un état des lieux du REDD dans le Bassin du Congo
Guy Patrice Dkamela" WR/NESDA-CA 

Les programmes de Banque Mondiale pour lancer le `REDD` au Cameroun
James Acworth" World Bank