RRI Workshop on Systems of Standards» Safeguards» and Recourse Mechanisms for Forests and Climate
Fecha: 05/12/2010
Lugar: United States
Ciudad: Washington" DC
País: United States
Objective of the Meeting
The objectives of the workshop are to: 1) take stock of the existing status of standards" safeguards and recourse mechanisms across the suite of actors engaged in forests and climate change; 2) identify key gaps and issues that need to be addressed and; 3) identify areas of pergence and consensus among the stakeholders to create a more coherent system or systems of safeguards and recourse mechanisms in REDD.
Desired Outcomes
1) Participants advance their understanding of the different systems of standards and recourse mechanisms and how they are evolving in the multi-lateral financial institutions" development organizations" United Nations system" and voluntary markets.
2) Participants advance thinking on the options for going forward such as SESA with measurable milestones" triggers" grievance mechanisms for the UN and others" and addressing capacity building needs.
3) Participants advance their thinking on how to design systems of standards that during the REDD Readiness phase deal with: the real political economy of the forest sector" national versus Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty" fragmented funding realities" dealing with disconnects between disaster and emergency responses and longer-term social progress" and build on emerging lessons of applying safeguards and Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA)s.
4) Participants identify areas of agreement and pergence on these key issues to be addressed in the future.
- Workshop Agenda
- List of Participants
Event Presentations
Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting:
Background to meeting and agenda
Augusta Molnar" RRI
Introductory Presentation of Issues
Kristen Hite" Center for International Environmental Law
Session 1:
Diane Russell" USAID
Session 2:
Emerging lessons from the CCBA process for standard setting in voluntary carbon markets
Joanna Durbin" Climate" Community & Biopersity Alliance (CCBA)
Session 3:
Appolication of the Safeguards and SESA to REDD+ Readiness
Peter DeWees" World Bank & Benoit Bosquet" Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Session 4:
Elspeth Halverson" UN-REDD
Rights" Principles and Safeguards in REDD+ - NGO approaches
Jenny Springer" WWF-US