Rethinking Forest Regulations

07/25/2011 - 07/29/2011



Nombre del Lugar:
Lubrecht Experimental Forest



For five days in July nearly 40 participants from eight countries convened in Montana's Lubrecht Experimental Forest to learn about Montana's approach to forest regulations via the legal and administrative structure of the of the Lubrecht forest" in-depth reviews of Montana's Best Management Practice (BMP) system and several field trips to area harvesting operations. Designed to promote international learning and exchange of forest government strategies" participants left the conference having first-hand experience on how area logging operations are audited" BMP monitoring and the interactions between tribal communities and their corresponding federal" state and tribal jurisdictions.


    Blackfoot Challenge: Part 1

    Gary Burnett" Blackfoot Challenge

    • Blackfoot Challenge: Part 2
    • Blackfoot Challenge: Part 3

    Clearwater Stewardship Project

    Tim Love" USFS

    Montana's Accredited Logging Professional Program

    Jason Todhunter" Tricon Timber

    Northern Rockies Forests: Natural History" Ecology and Management Implications

    Peter Kolb" Montana State University

    • Natural History" Ecology and Management Implications (Part 2)
    • Natural History" Ecology and Management Implications (Part 3)
    • Natural History" Ecology and Management Implications (part 4)

    Rethinking Forest Practice Regulations: Overview and Introduction

    Andy White & Sally Collins" RRI

    US Forest Service National Forest System

    Leslie Weldon" USFS