Planning: Workshops on Climate Change» Forests and Indigenous Peoples for Radio Communicators

04/28/2010 - 04/29/2010




RRI Partner Intercooperation and ALER (Latin American Association of Radio Education) met April 28-29 to plan the logistics and thematic issues to be covered at workshops to be held in several Latin American countries throughout the second half of 2010. These workshops will train community radio communicators on issues related to climate change and forest resources" as well as how to enhance the presentation of these issues to indigenous communities. 

Each workshop will have five thematic sections:

1. Information Section

2. Personal Narrative Section in which each communicator present the problematic issues and communication scenarios for their regions

3. Debate Section based on presentations

4. Radio Production Practices Section

5. Future Work Plan Section

Tentative dates for the workshops are:

  • July 6-9" Bolivia

  • August 3-6" Peru

  • September 7-10" Nicaragua