Second Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change




The second Chatham House-RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change was held on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd October 2009 in the Atrium Hall of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington DC.

    The meeting was co-organized with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and focused on the international implications of US climate legislation now working its way through the US Congress, as well as the preliminary steps by the UN-REDD and FCPF to establish REDD Readiness in developing countries to date.

Summary report now available online - click here.


Through presentations and extensive discussion, expert panels addressed the following six themes. Download full agenda.   Day 1 - Thu Oct 22
  • Seeing forests for the climate - Equitable and effective forest-based climate change mitigation interventions

  • Acting globally - Developments and insights from the UNFCCC negotiations

  • Making it happen - Learning from successful initiatives to slow deforestation, restore forests and promote the rights of forest communities

Day 2 - Fri Oct 23
  • Buying the credits and setting the rules - Potential impacts of US climate policy for forest governance

  • Investing in forests - Forest governance as a key to sustained investment

  • Getting ready - Multilateral initiatives to pilot REDD

  The next Chatham House-RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change will be held in London in January 2010 - click here for latest details.  


  • Agenda
  • Summary report
  • List of participants
  • Speaker biosketches
  • Presentations - Day 1
    • Opening Remarks | Andy White, RRI 
    • Equitable and Effective Forest-based Climate Change Mitigation: Lessons from Nepal | Bhola Bhattarai, FECOFUN
    • Recent Developments from the UNFCCC Negotiations | Kate Horner, Friends of the Earth
    • REDD+ In International Climate Policy | Rane Cortez, The Nature Conservancy
    • Indigenous Peoples in Bangkok UNFCCC Meeting | Johnson Cerda, Conservation International
    • Forestry Governance and Climate Change in the Context of Community Forestry in Nepal | Yuba Raj Bhusal, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation
    • The EU FLEGT initiative: Improving forest governance; excluding illegal timber | Duncan Brack, Chatham House
    • Do protected areas reduce deforestation? | Ken Chomitz, Independent Evaluation Group/World Bank
  • Presentations - Day 2
    • Opening Remarks | Arvind Khare, RRI
    • Defining Sub-National | Brian Turner, Governor of California's Climate & Forest Task Force
    • Forest Governance and the Rules for REDD credits: Experience at State-level in Brazil | Laurent Micol, Instituto Centro de Vida
    • REDD Financing | Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus
    • Governance Money & REDD | Rosalind Reeve, Global Witness 
    • The UN-REDD Programme: Towards Transparency, Participation & Accountability | Charles McNeill, UNDP
    • Forest Carbon Partnership Facility: Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment Proposal for Comments | Benoit Bosquet,World Bank
    • Multilateral Initiatives to pilot REDD in Papua New Guinea | Kenn Mondiai, PNG Eco-Forestry Forum
  • Logistics information
  • Proceedings from the First Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change - London, July 2009