This analysis from Forest Peoples Programme and RRI concludes that forest tenure reforms must take into account a wide range of human rights beyond solely…
A background paper for the conference "Towards a New Global Forest Agenda", held in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2007.
A background paper for the conference "Towards a New Global Forest Agenda", held in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2007.
growth in the global economy placing significantconstraints and pressures on natural resourcessuch as forests.Increased access to information andcommunication will empower civil society andlocal communities to…
Forest areas have an integral role in the development agenda of the next several decades because of the myriad challenges that converge within their landscapes….
This report measures whether governments have continued to reduce their legal ownership and control of the world’s forests from 2002 – 2008, and assesses the implications of forest tenure change for forest peoples, governments, and the global community.