2013 saw a lot of serious progress in forest tenure reform: legal judgments that upheld the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities; successful local…
As seen on Aljazeera America Alicia Ramos began receiving death threats immediately after returning to the farmland she inherited from her father — 120 acres…
Photo: Aljazeera As seen on Ethiopia – Land for Sale
Survival: L’approbation d’un projet gazier au Pérou annonce une véritable catastrophe pour les Indiens isolés
UN: Declaración del Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas” James Anaya” al concluir su visita al Perú
Five Indigenous Women Ch’orti’ living in extreme poverty file a successful claim against the Guatemalan State for violating their right to Adequate Food. This is…
Socialización de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas sobre la gestión y manejo integral de los territorios de Pueblos Indígenas” Comunidades Forestales y Afrodescendientes de América Latina
New book reveals that their ability to preserve forests is under threat from land grabs by governments and developers WARSAW, Poland—Through the conservation and…
Photo: DW/H Jeppesen As seen on Indonesian“ Portuegese
SPANISH: BIC (Spanish): AIDESEP reclama a la CIDH la situación de los pueblos indígenas en aislamiento voluntario en Perú
On October 30th and 31st” the Socialization of the Studies and Maps of the Investment Projects in Infrastructure” Energy” Extractive Activities and Pressures Affecting Forests…
The crisis of insecure land rights–most immediately felt by the millions of Indigenous Peoples and other local communities who risk losing their lands and livelihoods–profoundly…
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme PRESS INFORMATION: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” 16 September 2013 Photos reveal illegal clearings in ‘isolated’ indigenous peoples’ reserve in Peru’s Amazon…
The BBC: La lucha por la tierra: multinacionales vs. pueblos indígenas
As seen on the Original Article
As seen on Original Article
As seen on Instituto Carbono Brasil Três novos trabalhos buscam chamar atenção da sociedade e dos governos para os prejuízos resultantes das perdas de ecossistemas” dos…
Agence France-Presse: Achats de terres et droits humains: concessions à hauts risques
In a major breakthrough for indigenous community rights” Peru’s Ministry of Culture has recognized the existence of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation in five areas…
As seen on the Jakarta Informer An organization representing Indonesia’s indigenous people is determined to map out the country’s customary forests in order to save them…
Photograph: Reuters Authorities perplexed as more than 100 members of a clan that has almost no contact with outsiders threaten to cross river …
In 2010″ during the meeting on “The Preparation Proposal of Redd + in Peru”” RRI collaborator AIDESEP expressed its views on the process” and how…
Peru’s Vice-Ministry of Inter-Culturality (VMI) has issued a critical report temporarily blocking the expansion of Peru’s biggest gas project and claiming that two ‘isolated’ indigenous…
Photograph: LUIS ROBAYO / AFP / GETTY IMAGES As seen on Original Article