This report discusses the critical role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the context of emerging climate and development priorities, and the unprecedented opportunity to scale up the recognition and protection of community land and resource rights—both for the benefit of rural peoples and for the realization of global peace and prosperity.

Gujarat: Promise and Performance of the Forest Rights Act, 2006
Gujarat: Promise and Performance of the Forest Rights Act, 2006

This study gives an approximate estimate of the potential forest areas that can be covered under the FRA in Gujarat. The idea is to compare and assess the actual status of the implementation with regards to the potential. This study also provides an overview of the implementation of the Act, together with highlights of both positive and negative aspects of the process and outcomes.

Telangana: Promise and Performance of the Forest Rights Act, 2006
Telangana: Promise and Performance of the Forest Rights Act, 2006

This study makes a preliminary assessment of the potential forest area over which rights can be recognized in Telangana under the FRA and compares it with the actual performance. The estimate provided offers a baseline for informing implementation, planning, and setting targets for rights recognition under the FRA.

Odisha: Promise and Performance of the Forest Rights Act, 2006
Odisha: Promise and Performance of the Forest Rights Act, 2006

This study makes a preliminary assessment of the potential forest area over which rights can be recognised in Odisha under the FRA. The estimate offers a baseline for informing implementation, planning, and setting targets for rights recognition under the FRA.

From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity
From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that community land rights are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Promise and Performance: 10 Years of the Forest Rights Act in India
Promise and Performance: 10 Years of the Forest Rights Act in India

This report highlights FRA’s potential in transforming forest governance by empowering local communities and the gram sabha to protect and conserve forests; ensuring livelihood security and poverty alleviation; securing gender justice; meeting SDG, especially the goals of eliminating poverty and achieving ecological sustainability; and dealing with climate change.

Land Conflicts in India: An Interim Analysis
Land Conflicts in India: An Interim Analysis

This analysis provides a powerful instrument to understand land resource conflicts in India. Based on the emerging patterns from the analysis of the 289 conflicts, our assessment is that this brief has captured roughly 25- 40 percent of active and substantive land conflicts in the country.

Land Disputes and Stalled Investments in India
Land Disputes and Stalled Investments in India

This analysis seeks to provide evidence-based insight into the thousands of investment projects stalled to date in India.

Toward a Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands
Toward a Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands

A new report quantifying the carbon stored aboveground in tropical forests that are legally owned or traditionally held by Indigenous Peoples and local communities in 37 countries across tropical America, Africa, and Asia.

Indigenous Peoples & Local Community Tenure in the INDCs
Indigenous Peoples & Local Community Tenure in the INDCs

A review of submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to determine the extent to which Parties made clear commitments to strengthen or expand the tenure and natural resource management rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as part of their climate change mitigation plans.

IAN: Managing Tenure Risk
IAN: Managing Tenure Risk

This report explains what tenure risk is and offers objective evidence that the problem is widespread and of increasing frequency, as well as provides highlights from a real-world analysis of over 360 case studies.

Who Owns the Land in Asia?
Who Owns the Land in Asia?

This brief summarizes findings on community ownership and control of lands in 15 countries in Asia. These countries were included in RRI’s global baseline of formally recognized indigenous and community land rights.

Who Owns the World’s Land?
Who Owns the World’s Land?

The first analysis to quantify the amount of land formally recognized by national governments as owned or controlled by Indigenous Peoples and local communities around the world.