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Convocado por el Instituto del Bien Común (IBC)” un evento de lanzamiento de la campaña “Territorios Seguros para las Comunidades del Perú” se realizará el 12…
El “Taller regional sobre tenencia territorial y bosques colectivos” con perspectiva de género en América Latina”” organizado por el Instituto para el Hombre” Agricultura y…
Este evento hace parte del proyecto regional de RRI en América Latina liderado por CEDLA con la colaboración de PCN-Colombia y AIDESEP-Perú. Estas organizaciones Colaboradoras…
The Twelfth RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, organized in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, identified the major emerging threats to forests and took stock of…
Contexto En los últimos años” en América Latina han adquirido renovada dinámica los procesos de integración” y entre ellos” en especial” UNASUR” hecho que no…
This Africa-focused dialogue generated a dynamic discourse among policy makers and development experts in Central and West Africa on the social, economic, and environmental impacts…
Organized in collaboration with Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad The RRI Latin America Dialogue on extractive industries, communities, and territorial rights is intended to…
During 24 – 27 of November” Nitlapan and RRI” will be holding an exchange for “Socialization of experiences and lessons learned on integrated management of…
On December 2-4, RRI and the Ateneo School of Government co-organized the second meeting of the Community Tenure Rights Legal Reference Group in the Philippines. It…
Atelier National sur la Participation des Organisations et Réseaux de la Société Civile au Processus de la Réforme Foncière en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)….
El Precongreso Mesoamericano de áreas Protegidas por Pueblos Indígenas: “Bosques para Siempre” tiene como objetivo entablar un diálogo entorno a la Agenda de Derechos Territoriales…
The dialogue took stock of two far-reaching developments in global efforts to reduce forest-based emissions: The agreement reached on REDD+ at COP19 in Warsaw, and Approval…
The event was co-organized by the Rights & Resources Initiative, the National Forestry Commission of Mexico, & MegaFlorestais. Objectives of the seminar included: • Better…
MegaFlorestais 2014 was held on May 5-9, 2014, and co-hosted by the Cameroonian Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Rights and Resources…
From 14 to May 16, the Rights and Resources Initiative and its Collaborators in Cameroon will be organizing a training workshop for journalists, at Hotel…
Chatham House and the Rights and Resources Initiative held an expert workshop on ‘Small-scale and community forest producers: challenges and opportunities of legality verification’. This…
The National Organization of Indigenous Andean and Amazonian Women (ONAMIAP), Interethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP) and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) will…
From July 22-23, the Network of Parliamentarians for the Management of Forests and Ecosystems in Central Africa (REPAR) will be holding a parliamentarian workshop at…
On August 7, 2014, the Groupe Pivot Droit et Citoyenneté des Femmes (GPDCF) will be organizing a studies restitution workshop with national authorities hosted by…
This one-day seminar focused on forests and off-farm areas that constitute vital resources for the food security and livelihoods of the rural poor in many…
OSLO – Q&A discussion on the groundbreaking new report, Securing Rights, Combating Climate Change: How Strengthening Community Forest Rights Mitigates Climate Change. The paper — a joint venture between…
The Dialogue featured key stakeholders from diverse perspectives assessing the opportunities and challenges with respect to access, use and ownership of land and resources in…
On September 15, 2014, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, in collaboration with Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) and the National Agency of Waters and Forests (DNEF), will…
From September 29 to 1st October, members of the RRI Cameroon coalition will be organizing a Week on Tenure at the hotel La Falaise in…