Eleventh RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change



  Organizers: The Forest Peoples Programme, Forest Trends and RRI.   The meeting examined the current state of public and private financial mechanisms for REDD+ and adaptation and contribute to developing an updated vision for the optimal design and deployment of finance to reduce forest loss and degradation – while respecting the rights and development needs of local people.  This meeting took stock of lessons learned to date regarding the possibilities of a global forest carbon market, scope for inpidual projects, and experiences with national and regional public funds.  The debate aimed to better understand the potentials and limits of each approach and the conditions in which one approach is more appropriate than another.  The meeting will contribute to more informed and decisive negotiations on finance during the UNFCCC COP17 in Durban.   This event was webcast live on Wednesday, October 12th, in English, Spanish and French.   Full video coverage in English is available here. Full video coverage in French is available here. Full video coverage in Spanish is available here.  


  Full 11th Dialogue Audio   Dialogue Summary  

Dialogue Agenda


Building Bridges Between Commodity Roundtables and REDD+: Connecting Farmers Needing Funding with Funds Needing Farmers Jan Maarten Dros, Solidaridad Network

Financing for Forests and Climate in the Context of Global Crises Jeffrey Hatcher, Rights and Resources

Plan Vivo: How Financing is Reaching the Ground Andy Inglis, Plan Vivo

Securing Forests through Securing Rights Justin Kenrick, FPP

Representing: the Mesoamericana People and Forest Alliance Marcedonio Cortave, ACOFOP


Speech by Gregory Barker, Minister of State for Climate Change and Energy, United Kingdom: Delivered at the Eleventh RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change

Speech by Stephen O'Brien, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for International Development, United Kingdom: Delivered at the Eleventh RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change