how We Deliver
Catalyzing Breakthroughs: The SRM

Addressing unforeseen threats and opportunities with the Strategic Response Mechanism

Unforeseen threats to indigenous and community land rights can arise quickly and require rapid action to be countered effectively. Just as rapidly, critical windows of opportunity to secure rights can appear–and if not seized, can easily be lost.

The Strategic Response Mechanism (SRM) is designed to enable timely, flexible responses to these unforeseen opportunities and threats. It complements RRI’s annual planning process by allowing for rapid response to unexpected and time-limited opportunities. Up to US$100,000 can be dispersed to grantees in as quickly as a few weeks, allowing Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) to be effective in shifting political landscapes.

Since 2008, RRI has used the SRM to influence important legislation concerning land and resource rights, such as supporting civil society efforts to ensure passage of groundbreaking legislation that recognizes community land rights in Liberia. SRM projects have also been used to effectively respond to urgent threats, such as resisting the expansion of an oil palm company’s operations on indigenous lands in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as overturning a judicial ruling that had revoked traditional land rights from forest communities for the development of a superhighway in Nigeria. The SRM has also helped maximize opportunities to influence the private sector toward respecting local communities’ rights to their lands and resources.

Selection Criteria

SRM proposals are evaluated and approved through a simple, expedited process. In order for an activity or project to qualify for SRM support, the activity must meet all five criteria:

  • Capitalizes on a political window of opportunity, which is typically lost if not leveraged quickly
  • Supports a critical moment in a social mobilization process
  • Innovates, exploits higher risk opportunities, and has potential to accelerate impact or develop RRI partnerships
  • Is a new or newly-expanded activity
  • Has outcomes dependent on incremental funding and connectivity at the right moment

Search and view all past SRM projects below.

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Urgent Advocacy for the Passage of the Law on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in DRC

Date 2020

Country Democratic Republic of the Congo

Region Africa

Implementor Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA)

Funding Amount $30,000


SRM funding supported the Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) in advocating for the passing of a bill in  to recognize and secure the customary land and political rights of Pygmies in the DRC, including their rights to Free Prior Informed Consent. The Bill will be sent to the Senate for a second review — and will be, later on, submitted to the president to sign it into law.

Oil Exploration Dispute Mediation

Date 2020

Country Kenya

Region Africa

Implementor KVCO Kerio Valley Community Organization

Funding Amount $9,911


SRM funding supported the creation of various meetings across Kenya to raise awareness about engaging with oil and gas corporations operating in Indigenous lands. With RRI’s support, the Kerio Valley Community Organization produced a Steering Committee meeting to draft key strategies and priorities. The outcomes of the steering committee meeting included a mediation strategy document which indicated a work plan for community engagement, a community pamphlet about oil and gas, and a memorandum of understanding for engagement. KVCO also conducted five community engagement meetings to raise awareness about the CAO mediation process and hold consultations about the MOU for the mediation. The meetings resulted in the community members supporting the MOU and KVCO’s mandate to proceed with negotiations with elected community representatives acting as observers to the process. Additionally, ten community representatives were democratically elected.

Support for Collective Legal Actions on the implementation of Constitutional and Legal Rights of Indigenous Peoples to their land and territories

Date 2020

Country Colombia

Region Latin America

Implementor ASO-CIT (Association of Arhuaco Authorities of the Sierra Nevada) in collaboration with CNTI (National Commission of Indigenous Territories) in alliance with 12 Indigenous and civil society organizations and the government’s own Attorney General and Ombudsman

Funding Amount $49,950


As a result of SRM funding, ASO-CIT filed 26 legal actions before the Superior Court of the District of Bogotá against the ANT to resolve 69 land titling claims. Out of the 26 legal actions, 10 had favorable rulings, which include processing the requests for expanding 7 existing Indigenous territories and formally recognizing the establishment of 6 territories. 2 of the cases with unfavorable rulings provided enough pressure on the ANT for it to agree to proceed with the formalization of the involved territories. Of the 10 favorable rulings, 2 cases were selected by the Colombian Constitutional Court for further review, providing the critical opportunity to reach a ruling of the “Unconstitutional Status of Indigenous Peoples Territorial Rights.”

With SRM funding, CNTI also filed a case against the Ministry of Interior, which manages the FPIC in Colombia. The case was in response to the Ministry’s new decree involving the use of technological tools (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and others) to implement FPIC with Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities during the COVID-19 crisis, despite the lack of internet access for many IPs across the country. With the timely and strategic action of the CNTI and the support of other IP organizations and the Attorney General, the Decree was withdrawn.

Strategic support to criminalized farmer organization in Jambi

Date 2020

Country Indonesia

Region Asia

Implementor LBH (Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation)

Funding Amount $9,998


With RRI’s support, Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation provided legal assistance to 43 Indigenous individuals in Indonesia  criminalized for resisting their eviction by WKS company which was backed by security forces. The individuals were sentenced to serve up to two years in jail. The Foundation worked with peasant organizations to ensure documentation of several abuses  — from land conflict, abuse of social scheme by the company to extend operation area, to violation of judicial guarantees in the prosecution. They also used RRI support to publish a book documenting the stories of the Indigenous farmer communities, and the facts of the land conflict and criminalization.

Strategic response to external threats of proposed geothermal project to the customary tenure rights and ancestral domain of the Guinaang, Colayo and Balatok tribes in Pasil, Kalinga, Philippines

Date Under contract – end date 30 June 2020

Country Philippines

Region Asia

Implementor Tebtebba

Funding Amount $24,514


With RRI’s support, Tebtebba addressed the threat of a proposed geothermal project in Indigenous lands in the Philippines. Tebtebba’s activism included disseminating information,  an education campaign on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, developing community protocols to strengthen customary governance to lands and territories, and increasing tribes’ awareness on alternatives in harnessing community resources.

Strengthening coordination across social sectors and in the implementation of Public Policy agreements

Date Under contract for the period July 11, 2019 to Extended to December 15, 2019

Country Colombia

Region Latin America

Implementor ONIC

Funding Amount $34,980


Outcome: support ONIC is helping the Ethnic Commission of Peace (IP-AD organizations) to engage with the Colombian government at the highest levels, aiming to secure the allocation of budget to implement the Ethnic Chapter of the peace accord, which constitutes the safeguard mechanism for the protection of the collective tenure rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples.

Results to August 2019: 

Under the new government of President Duque, the implementation of the peace accord has been  delayed. For Indigenous, Afro-descendant and women’s organizations the delay in the peace accord implementation has increased insecurity at all levels.  The systematic killing of Indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders, reaching more than 500 leaders assassinated since the signing of the peace accord, brought the social movement to a nationwide protest during the first half of 2019.

The protest pressured the government to approve the plan for the functioning of the High Level Space of Ethnic Peoples (IEANPE in Spanish), an official space in which IP and AD organizations have a high-level representation for monitoring the implementation of the peace accord. Considering the pressures from the social mobilization and international community, the government opened a call for technical-budgetary proposals to implement the peace agreement.

To respond to the government’s call for technical-budgetary proposals between the period June-October, RRI is supporting ONIC with the SRM to prepare a proposal for technical guidance and budget allocation to advocate for the inclusion of the actions enshrined in the Ethnic Chapter of the Peace Agreement in the national public budget for 2020. The preparation of the proposal is underway, and it will be passed to the Congress for approval.

Links to evidence:

“Gobierno Nacional incumple los acuerdos pactados con los Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2018-2022 y a la Minga Nacional 2019”

“Primer Informe de Cumplimiento del Capítulo Étnico en el marco de la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz en Colombia”

“Capítulo Étnico en el Acuerdo Final de Paz”