UN Climate Week Workshop on Advancing Community Rights in Area-based Conservation

Author: Rights and Resources Initiative, Campaign for Nature, the ICCA Consortium, and the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

Date: November 30, 2023

The 2022 Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties marked the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and its main area-based conservation target, referred to as 30×30. Central to this target and Framework was the recognition of the significant contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to biodiversity conservation.

The adoption of the GBF has opened new opportunities and risks for implementing its area targets in keeping with community-led and rights-based approaches to conservation (RBAs). With the negotiations now concluded, it is essential to shift attention and action to the implementation and monitoring of RBAs for these area targets, especially at country levels.

In this context, RRI, Campaign for Nature (C4N), the ICCA Consortium, and the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities (GATC) organized a one-day workshop during the 2023 UN Climate Week in New York, aiming to mobilize collaboration and action on RBAs for the implementation and monitoring of 30×30 targets. This report compiles the key message of this discussion.

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