Over the past 20 years” the region reviewed in this report – South East Asia stretching from Laos across to Indonesia – has experienced major…
This paper provides a retrospective review of a new RBA-centred approach that has been applied in practice” particularly in three countries: namely Uganda” Ghana and…
Moving towards Copenhagen” governments party to the UNFCCC are preparing plans that will include forests in a global framework for addressing climate change mitigation. In…
This paper is a key output from the Transforming China’s Forests Impacts inSoutheast Asia: Advancing Pro-Poor Market Reform for Sustainable Livelihoods and Forests project” conducted…
This paper is part of a study by RECOFTC that aims to acquire a better understanding of the situation of forest tenure and the implementation…
Like all forest enterprises” community forestry enterprises (CFEs) have a mixed record” with numerous cases of successes as well as failures. As the experience in…