Defending Life in Ecuadorian Resource Politics
Defending Life in Ecuadorian Resource Politics

Efforts to secure water rights and resist extractivism united campesino and indigenous organizers. By Teresa A. Velásquez * As seen in NACLA Since his presidential…

[:es]Los 20 años del Convenio 169 de la OIT en el Perú
[:es]Los 20 años del Convenio 169 de la OIT en el Perú

                                                                                                  Como aparece en Servindi – ¿Algo que celebrar? Por Alberto Chirif* 23 de abril, 2015.- El 27 de junio próximo se cumplirán 26 años…

Happy Bloody Earth Day
Happy Bloody Earth Day

As seen on The Nation: The temperatures are rising and so is the body count. Every year, more and more environmental activists—many of them first…

Final Declaration of the Cumbre de Abya Yala
Final Declaration of the Cumbre de Abya Yala

The Fifth Summit Abya Yala was held in Panama from April 9 and 10, and concluded with the official  Declaration that covered a variety of issues surrounding indigenous land rights. The Declaration…