As seen on the Washington Post (AP) TOTONICAPAN” Guatemala — Thousands of indigenous Guatemalans shouted in anger Friday and some threw themselves at the coffins…
Como se ve en Youtube CUC ha publicado las declaraciones de Maria Tacam” presidenta de los 48 Cantones de Totonicapán” en Youtube. El video es…
A traveling exposition in favor of local Peruvian communities' land tenure rights is featured in capital city Lima's central plaza” the Plaza Santa Rosa from…
Fuente original
The Peruvian Government Still Needs to Title Over 4″000 Communities Sign the petition LIMA” PERU (12 September 2012) —A collective composed of 15 civil society…
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme 23 July” 2012 Including Updates and Analysis from Rio+20 | Read the Newsletter in Portuguese Dear Friends” We live in…
Original Source Related News: Lucha campesina e indígena en Guatemala The struggle for indigenous and peasant land rights in Guatemala
Como se ve en Aini” 5 de julio” 2012.- .- Llegó hasta la mesa de redacción de AINI – Noticas” un comunicado de prensa…
Instituto del Bien Común: La Red Amazónica de Informaciòn Socioambiental lanza el mapa Amazonía 2012
Como puede ser visto en Instituto del Bien Común (IBC) 21 Jun 2012 La Red Amazónica de Informaciòn Socioambiental lanza el mapa Amazonía 2012 El…
From Rio de Janeiro” Jo Confino provides behind the scenes insight of all that's going on from a business perspective at the Earth Summit The…
Original Source
RRI is pleased to share the introductory chapter of Forest Tenure Reform: New Resource Rights for Forest based Communities?” published in the Journal of Conservation and Society…
As seen on By Associated Press SHANGHAI — Ensuring that forest dwellers have rights over their land is vital for slowing the deforestation that…
The Constitutional Court of Colombia (CCC) has upheld a 2009 decision on the suspension of the mining project Mande Norte in the Pacific coast of…
As posted on the AJE site on 19 April 2012 By Mauela Picq Miami” FL – Indigenous politics tend to be understood as local anecdotes”…
Marking the one year anniversary of the involuntary displacement of the communities of Polochic Valley” 2″500 peasants and indigenous residents of Alta Verapaz” Guatemala” began a march…
Click here to read the original announcement in Spanish.
The newsletter can be downloaded from the FPP website by clicking here Dear Friends”Balancing human beings’ need for decent livelihoods against the imperative of securing…