MegaFlorestais 2024 Meeting Synopsis
MegaFlorestais 2024 Meeting Synopsis

From August 19–22, 2024, public forest agency leaders within the MegaFlorestais network from some of the world's most forested countries met in the state of Pará in northcentral Brazil. They gathered to learn about ongoing forest management programs, progress and challenges of elevating the role of community-led conservation, preventing forest loss, and promoting restoration and reforestation around the world.

A Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands
A Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands

If properly leveraged, natural climate solutions can contribute over 37% of cost-effective CO2 mitigation by 2030. Evidence shows Indigenous Peoples and local communities are key to achieving such outcomes. This report presents the most comprehensive assessment to date of carbon storage in documented community lands worldwide.

Who Owns the Land in Asia?
Who Owns the Land in Asia?

This brief summarizes findings on community ownership and control of lands in 15 countries in Asia. These countries were included in RRI’s global baseline of formally recognized indigenous and community land rights.

The Next Step
The Next Step

Opening remarks at the International Conference on Forest Tenure Reform” Hangzhou” China. 22 November 2012.

RRI Impact Story
RRI Impact Story

A briefing that showcases how an RRI study helped protect Chinese landowners from illegal land grabs by global paper manufacturer Stora Enso.

Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China
Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China

Presentation discusses the need for forest tenure reform, exactly what is being reformed, how to advance reforms, and what can be learned from the Chinese…

Turning Point
Turning Point

This report takes stock of the current status of forest rights and tenure globally, assesses the key issues and events of 2011 that shape possibilities…

Dampak RRI Cerita
Dampak RRI Cerita

Dalam perayaan ulang tahun ke-5 dari Rights and Resources Initiative” beberapa briefing telah disiapkan berbagi dampak yang Koalisi RRI telah mencapai seluruh dunia.

The Greener Side of REDD+
The Greener Side of REDD+

In the last decade, countries have committed major resources to reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). A debate continues…