Gracias a la labor de la Mesa de Incidencia de las Mujeres Rurales Colombianas, de la cual hace parte nuestras Colaboradoras de la Federación de Mujeres…
Palm oil conglomerate ordered to halt expansion of operations following multiple violations of RSPO standards. 7th May, 2015: The RSPO’s Complaints Panel has upheld the…
Como aparece en Andina Lima, abr. 30. El Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (Minagri) y las organizaciones Aidesep y Conap retomaron las coordinaciones para la…
Flawed financial and environmental regulatory system for infrastructure and extractive projects are causing community conflict and serious financial risks for India Download the report. Photo…
The Fifth Summit Abya Yala was held in Panama from April 9 and 10, and concluded with the official Declaration that covered a variety of issues surrounding indigenous land rights. The Declaration…
The report ‘Hollow Promises: An FPIC assessment of Golden Veroleum and Golden Agri-Resource’s palm oil project in Liberia’ reveals how the companies have caused community…
MegaFlorestais celebrates a decade of convening global forest leaders to find innovative solutions to global challenges Rapid changes in the world’s climate and rising pressures…
More than 300 leaders from 12 countries and representatives of Indigenous Peoples have gathered in Panama City to attend the Fifth Continental Summit of Indigenous…
Como se ve en SERFOR Lima, 6 de abril del 2015.- El Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego a través del Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna…
His Excellency Visited the RRI Secretariat on 26 March 2015 The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) was honored to welcome His Excellency Dieudonné BOLENGETENGE BALEA,…
Recommendations for Inter-Agency Expert Group & Other Policymakers The success of the Post-2015 sustainable development goals (SDGs) will depend on the adoption of indicators that allow measuring…
Indonesian peatland communities call for recognition of their rights and traditional knowledge in managing peatlands “We, the representatives of peatland communities in Indonesia are making…
Download a PDF of this statement here. Washington, DC (March 4, 2015) — The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Coalition joins local and international NGOs…
16 Millones de dólares se usarían íntegramente para titular las 1166 comunidades indígenas amazónicas que están pendientes, ya que la alternativa, ante la exigencia de…
Forest Trends is one of nine organizations to have received the 2015 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions. The award “recognizes exceptional nonprofit organizations who have…
This panel event launched the report Looking for Leadership: New momentum and inspiration amidst crises. Read the report here. 2014 was a year in which many governments,…
New analysis of the global state of rights and resources: RRI has released its 2014-2015 annual review of the state of rights and resources, Looking…
Recommendations pressure the new government to prioritize concrete action in national interest By Anne-Sophie Gindroz Driven by heightening agrarian conflicts, ecological crises, and unequal distribution…
Tebtebba and CHIRAPAQ: Indigenous Peoples demand participation in national forest monitoring systems
Press release from Tebtebba and CHIRAPAQ Indigenous Peoples point out that the inhabitants of the forest are better qualified than anyone else to understand what…
Prominent politicians join in demanding dissolution of Presidential Terai Conservation Committee. A series of demonstrations by thousands of residents kicked off this month in Chure…
During a discussion session at the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum in Lima, Peru, RRI, the World Resources Institute, and the Governance, Environment and Markets Initiative…
The global forest crisis is worsening as infringements of the rights of indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities are rising, according to a detailed assessment of…
New report by Forest Peoples Programme finds that the Peruvian government is failing to address the real causes of deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon while…