RRI has developed robust partnerships and collaborative working relationships with over 135 civil society and Indigenous Peoples organizations across the developing world and at the…
Via Forest Peoples Programme Peruvian landscape” courtesy AIDESEP On 2 November four Peruvian indigenous organisations issued a statement opposing recently-approved plans to expand operations in…
Recent Punitive Actions Undermine the Legitimacy of 300″000+ Hectare Acquisition by Golden Veroleum (Liberia) WASHINGTON” D.C. (20 December” 2012)—Four community leaders in Sinoe County”…
La Red Amazoníca de Información Socioambiental Georreferenciada (RAISG) ha creado un atlas nuevo para mostrar y analizar las presiones de las industrias extractivas en la Amazon….
Experts Call India a Leader among Land-Grabbing Emerging Nations; Flouting Rights at Home” Indian Firms Risk Same Mistakes Abroad NEW DELHI—(17 December 2012)—New research released…
From Forest Peoples Programme December 10″ 2012 Cameroon’s 1994 Forest Code is being reformed and civil society has serious and urgent concerns about the process…
NASAKO GAGNE UN PRIX POUR SON TRAVAIL SUR LE PROJET SGSOC Yaoundé” 11 décembre 2012: Le Directeur de l’ONG Struggle to Economize the Future Environment…
From Forest Peoples Programme E-Newsletter: English” Spanish” French” and Bahasa FPP 10 December” 2012 Dear Friends” The importance of ensuring respect for the rights of forest peoples’ to control…
Following the efforts of RRI Collaborator Green Advocates” Malaysian Palm Oil firm Sime Darby has agreed to pay compensation to local communities in Liberia for…
RRI Partner
Every year” human rights defenders working on land issues throughout the developing world are threatened” harassed and even killed because of their peaceful actions for…
On 16th – 18th October 2012″ Forest Peoples Programme” with the support of RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests and funds from the…
1 November 2012 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New oil palm land grabs exposed: Asian palm oil companies run into trouble in Africa Indonesia’s largest palm…
To see the full list of RRI impacts and activities from July to September” click here. Read in Spanish | Read in French Dear Colleagues…
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme A formal letter of complaint has been filed with the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) by the…
Twelfth Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Dialogue on Forests” Governance and Climate Change 5 November 2012 | Washington” DC” United States of America The twelfth…
RRI Partner PRISMA is holding a Regional Dialogue on
Ndokohi (Cameroon)’s Women’s Green Business Initiative from RRI on Vimeo. This video produced by the NGO REFACOF (African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests)…
Como fue publicado en Contrapunto” Diario Digital del Salvador y
15 October” 2012 Concluding a three day meeting in Phnom Penh convened by the Indonesian Human Rights Commission” with the support of RRI Partner Forest…
FPP Full E-Newsletter available: English” Spanish” French” and Bahasa Indonesia Dear Friends” Building a global consensus on how to make the world a better place is hard work. That…
El libro “Territorialidad y Gobernanza: : Tejiendo Retos en los Territorios Indígenas de la RAAN” Nicaragua“” compilada por Anne M. Larson y Fernanda Soto” ha…