Researcher points to “colonial mentality” as governments race to attract investors; Cites destruction of forests” rivers” way of life of rural communities in 4 nations…
Researcher points to “colonial mentality” as governments race to attract investors; Cites destruction of forests” rivers” way of life of rural communities in 4 nations…
The Xinca people of the Santa Maria Xalapan community in southern Guatemala denounce the kidnapping” murder” and torture of four community members” one of whom…
As seen on The Ogiek” the meanwhile world-famous honey-hunters of the Mau forest in Kenya” booked another success in their struggle for survival and…
As seen on Blue Channel 24 Strictly protected areas such as national parks and biological reserves have been more effective at reducing deforestation in the…
As seen on By Laura Reynolds Activists protest against ‘land grabbing’ in 2011. (Photo credit: Andreas Solaro” AFP/Getty Images) The Rights and Resources Initiative…
Palm fruits at a palm oil plantation in Talun Kenas” North Sumatra. (EPA Photo/Dedi Sahputra) Environmental advocacy group Greenpeace has welcomed the launch of a…
As seen on IRIN Asia PHNOM PENH” 15 March 2013 (IRIN) – Faced with widespread evictions and opaque private sector deals” activists in Cambodia are…
As seen on The Guardian Nigeria WHILE African governments are moving gradually towards protecting the land rights of rural people and indigenous communities” they are…
The Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests confirms support for their member the National Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP, for its initials in…
SHARADA ADHIKARI KATHMANDU: Walking through the forest to collect firewood and fodder was her daily chore. There were many other women like her who had…
As seen on By Monde Kingsley Nfor” 14 March 2013 Douala” Cameroon — The fruit farmers in Njombe” a small town in the coastal…