As seen on Reuters The rights and access of indigenous peoples and communities to forest resources are under increasing threat from large land acquisitions and other…
As seen on Reuters The rights and access of indigenous peoples and communities to forest resources are under increasing threat from large land acquisitions and other…
As seen on REDD-Monitor Interview with Marcus Colchester” Senior Policy Advisor” Forest Peoples Programme” focussing on his work on Asia Pulp and Paper. The interview was…
As seen on Wall Street Journal's Business Wire Four years ago” the indigenous Paiter Suruí of the Brazilian Amazon voted to shift the basis of their…
Photo: Milagros Salazar/IPS As seen on Original Article
Released today” the 2012 FPP Annual Report marks the final year in which Marcus Colchester has been directing the work of Forest Peoples Programme and…
Call for Papers for an ETFRN News on Linkages between FLEGT” REDD+ and beyond: Challenges and opportunities for improved forest management In response to concerns…
As seen on the Original Article
Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal Eight National Executive Committee Meeting May 16th and 17th” Silgadi Doti The Doti Declaration Paper The Eighth National Executive…
As seen on Reuters Some farmers in Ghana kill saplings on their land over fears their food crops will one day get damaged by loggers who…
Ciudadania-Express: Inicia en Oaxaca Seminario Internacional de Líderes Forestales
the Guardian Indigenous groups have rejected UN forest plan as attempt to colonise them” as tensions over land management grow A few years ago” Mario…
As seen on AMAN Jakarta” 27 May 2013 Indonesia's Constitutional Court on the judicial review of Law No.41 of 1999 on Forestry has decided that Customary…