Como se ve en La Mula Exviceministro de Interculturalidad pide que se aplique sanciones correspondientes a todos los funcionarios públicos comprometidos en estos actos ilegales…
Como se ve en La Mula Exviceministro de Interculturalidad pide que se aplique sanciones correspondientes a todos los funcionarios públicos comprometidos en estos actos ilegales…
Como se ve en La Prensa La medida de cautela tiene como fin que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos pida al Estado panameño la…
As seen on Outlook India How The NDA Is Whittling Down Green Norms Change in definition of no-go area in dense forest, leaving more area…
The award recognizes actors from Cameroonian society who have made significant contributions to environmental protection and the improvement of local livelihoods. In this case, it acknowledged the Coalition’s efforts to inform and influence Cameroon’s land reform process and forthcoming land legislation in favor of communities.
As seen on E&E Climate Wire By Elizabeth Harball India may be moving to more strictly enforce the Forest Rights Act of 2006, action one advocacy group…
As seen on Yucatan Informa: MEGAflorestais es un seminario co-organizado por la Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR) y Rights + Resources cuyo objetivo es permitir el…
RRI’s 2014-2015 annual review, entitled Looking for Leadership, highlights the importance of civil society groups and movements around the world in working to bring about…
As seen on Mongabay 27th July 2015 / Saul Elbein “You have to fight: In today’s Peru, the road to environmental protection leads through force” By the…
As seen on The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The tribal affairs ministry has asked state governments to review all cases where forest rights claims have…
In recent years, Cameroon has launched a vast reform of the country’s land and forest sectors. Determining the current stage of reform processes in Cameroon…
As seen on Down to Earth In tribal-dominated areas of the country, forests have always been traditionally managed by local communities A new study says…
Investigación de muestra que más de mil reportes de supervisión ambiental en el sector hidrocarburos fueron encarpetados durante los gobiernos de Toledo, García y…